New Operator Teaser: Potential for Dual Robot Control and Two Defender Dynamic in R6

And another post from the R6 Twitter account
they have posted this little 10 second
or 11 second clip for the new operator
which shows two things two operators two robots
I don’t know you can see the operators here with a screen
I have tried to avoid the leaks as much as possible
so I don’t really know exactly how they work
my guess it looks like you can either set up these robots
or it would be really weird if they let you have two defenders
with it that’d be a little much
but it it also wouldn’t be too bad
cause I have been playing a lot of Spectre divide
so that robot has a gun that they were revealed yesterday
so I guess the guns not for Nook
it’s gonna be for the new operator
other operator has a pistol or other robots
you just call them robots
they’re not really operators
but this will technically be the first season since Operation
Steel Wave which was season or year 5
season 2 that will technically get two operators
if you actually do get two of these I mean
I know it’s technically still just one operator
but the closest we’re gonna get to two operators ever
cause Ubisoft just abandoned that
my guess again without having looked at any of the leaks
is you probably have like one robot that will just sit as
like a sentry on a site and then the other one you Control.
So then this one will just like let you know if someone’s in the site
and then you can rotate over.
Cause I I doubt they’d give you two lives.
Like imagine having two lives as a defender.
It literally would just be like Spectre divide.
So two ops technically maybe we’ll see we get the reveal on Sunday.