Conversations on Politics, Perception, and Respect: A Reflection on DNC, Detroit Democrats, and Governor Gretchen

You’ve been very vocal about politics,
especially since the DNC is in town.
Do you wish you did that? Do you wish you just should have said,
you know, I should have just shut my ass up?
No. You don’t care?
No, I don’t.
I don’t care. The problem is. Right.
So why did everybody think he was endorsing Trump, though?
Cause he took the picture.
Cause I took a picture. Okay.
And that’s where I was, uh,
getting at. Right.
We gotta do better with. With.
With making assumptions. You know,
we gotta get. We gotta get better just overall. Right.
I posted a picture and said, yeah,
I feel the first way to change is being able to have a conversation.
And everybody took that as.
As I supported Trump. What.
What did y’all speak about?
I just straight up asked, do you have a problem with.
With black people? He said, no,
why would I. Why would I have a problem with black people?
I said, well,
it come off that way, you know?
And he said something that I.
That I also believe in as well.
Well, you shouldn’t listen to people.
Continue to do your own research,
you know, and we can have a conversation later.
Conversation didn’t come. Do I think Trump is racist?
I don’t know. But didn’t, uh.
Didn’t he reach out to y’all?
Yeah. And RFK
prior to that, RFK reached out to y’all?
Yeah, absolutely.
And you met with RFK? Yep.
And y’all took a picture together.
And I wanted to meet with Biden as well,
but they wouldn’t take the meeting,
from what I heard. Yeah,
they wouldn’t take the meeting. Yeah.
So I can’t control who want to come to the hood,
you know? I respect that part.
Yeah, they went to go talk to it.
They went to the NWA CP, I believe,
when they came to Detroit.
Yeah. If you care about us,
care enough to come and talk to us.
You rock with Gretchen. Big Gretch.
I rock with Big Gretch. Yeah,
I rock with. What is it I like?
I like governor with. Me too.
I read her book, and that’s why I like her.
And we had her up here and we had a conversation with her.
I think she’s dope,
but I’ve never seen a governor have that kind of love from a state.
What is it about Regina women that makes people love her so much?
Because she don’t push an agenda.
She push right or wrong. She not pushing a party.
She push policy, you know?
I mean, she don’t pander to us.
She don’t do any of that. Gretchen come off more so like an independent,
you know? I mean,
and it ain’t about nothing else for her except,
you know, uh,
moving us forward. Cause if it was about anything else,
then she would have happily accepted the Democrat nomination
to run for president.
I honestly respect all The Democrats in Michigan and Detroit, period,
the Detroit Democrats, they move like.
Like. Like real people,
you know, they put.
They put our interest first.
When I say our interest,
I mean the state of Michigan and the city of Detroit overall.
You know, they.
They put it. They put everything we.
We want and what we wanna do first.
They listen to everybody. They talk to everybody.
And now the Democrats in Michigan,
they know how to take criticism.
They don’t take criticism as some type of insult,
you know what I mean? So, yeah,
I respect them. I got real respect for Gretchen.