Creating an Interactive Link Page for Digital Products on Etsy

We’re talking all things selling digital products.
So once you’ve create the digital products
and you’ve uploaded it to Etsy,
you need to wait for the customers to then access that file. Right?
This is just an example of what we call a link page.
On purchase, the customer would receive this
and if they click on that,
they would then be able to open the link.
Open come, they’ll take them to this page
and they can just edit it for themselves
without editing your original design.
So to do this, you wanna just create a new design on canvas?
I’m just gonna show you the one that I’ve made.
This is the link page template that I’ve made.
If you want the template link for it so you can use it yourself,
then just let me know and I’ll send it to you.
When you click on this and you click on the three dots.
Sorry, ignore my finger.
I’ve literally been to hell.
You can go to edit link
and that’s where you would copy and paste your template link.
But how do we find the template link?
So you wanna go to the homepage on Canva and you wanna go,
for example, let’s just go to the logo design.
So you basically want the customer to be able to open this
and edit it for themselves.
Go to the share button. It’s not this link you wanna go to,
more the template link.
And it’s so Important that you do the template link
and not the other link. And then you can just copy and paste it there,
which then turns it into an interactive link.
Meaning that when the customer purchases,
they will be sent this file
and they can then click on the link like I showed you
and open it for themselves.