Gratitude for a Dream Come True: A Shop on the Hill

I would like to thank you very much for this big step that you give me
and I’m very much thankful for it
because um, this was always my dream
to get a shop of my own on top here on the hill.
There’s no other shop, just this shop.
So I’m very much thankful because you at least.
I would have take more long to finish my shop
because I will be going stage by stage.
But thankfully god send you as a blessing
and I’m thankful. And you know,
it’s done better to benefit me and my children a lot.
And you know, it’s help a lot of kids around the area.
I put smiles on their face
cause they don’t have to go down the road and they’ll be here like,
until now you gotta bring this,
until now you gotta bring that.
It’s like, okay,
until now I’m going to bring it.
So I’m very much grateful and thankful.
And I pray that god continue to bless you,
show his blessings on you
that you know, you may continue doing the good works that you do.
This shop will definitely provide a better life
for you and your family.