Meatloaf Leftovers: A Family Dinner Tradition

Looks like it’s a leftover night for dinner.
Haha. Can you guess what kind of leftovers we’re having? Meatloaf.
Meatloaf is right.
You wanna see it? Homemade from scratch.
It has pork and beef, mushroom sauce,
bread crumbs, salt and pepper, eggs, carrots,
celery, and onions.
You guys usually will eat one together,
so I’m gonna slice this down the middle
just to allow for some heat to go in there.
Some cucumber and some cuties.
They love themselves some cuties. So do I.
Go rinse this off.
Go. Would anyone like a cutie for a snack before dinner?

easy. Clean.
Leftover dinner is ready. Dinner is on its way.
Okay, which one would you like?
They’re both the same today.
Blue or pink? Enjoy your leftover dinner,
you Dada. You’re welcome.
You’re welcome.