Lost Phone Drama: A Misunderstanding Resolved

did you see your phone oh my god
you already cleaned the table
did you see someone throw my phone away
I can’t find it whoa
um you lost your phone
I didn’t see one when cleaning the table
we can definitely check the floor and other places
I don’t see it are you sure it wasn’t like on the plate
under a napkin or like
somewhere and you threw it away
I really don’t think there is a phone on the table I’m sorry
yeah cause you stole it
what literally everyone
I saw you put that phone in your pocket when you were cleaning the table
there’s no phone in my pocket
this and a pen is the only thing I have
you are a thief I’m calling the cops
oh whoa
whoa lady
it’s my phone I don’t think she stole it
you don’t need to call the police
too late they’re on their way
I didn’t steal their phone
fifteen minutes later hey lady
I just wanted to let you know I found my phone in our car
can you please apologise to our server
I’m not apologizing to anyone
she was just afraid because I called the police
so she returned it to you
now you’re covering for her to save face
I am so so sorry
here is a really really large tip
oh thank you
that is so so sweet
but it’s not your fault you know