Smart and Zealous: Conversations with Greek Girls

Who am I here with today? What are your names?
Irene. Elena.
And where are you from? Greece.
Wow. Are Greek girls smart?
Definitely. That was smart.
Smarter than Americans?
Definitely. Yeah.
We’re gonna find out. Can you name five countries in Europe? Easy. Yes.
Eh. Italy.
Eh. France.
Greece. Eh.
Albania. Bulgaria.
And Bulgaria. Wow.
So smart. What about. Name a country in Africa?
Ethiopia. Ethiopia.
Correct. Them.
They’re smart. What about who painted the Mona Lisa?
Correct. Correct.
Oh, no,
they’re smart. They’re smart. And, uh,
longest river in the world?
Longest river in the world?
My mom. Nile.
Nile’s river? Yeah,
Nile’s river. And what are Greek girls like?
You know, tell me about Greek girls.
What are they like? We are really out. Smart.
Yeah. Street smart.
Street smart. We have humor,
but we are really, really,
really zealous. I like that. I like that.