Connected Clues: A Fun and Challenging Word Game Adventure

And now we’re playing connected clues today, ma’am.
Alright. And all you’re gonna have to do
is just go ahead and do what you do best, alright?
Just pick a card and stand out to you. Which.
Which one are you feeling?
Just. Just pick one.
That’s okay. Now, Sydney,
you’re gonna go ahead and pick that up
and you’re gonna try to get me to guess the middle phrase.
But you’re gonna tell me a clue
that alludes to both the top and bottom phrase on that card.
All right? All right.
Ready? Rock?
Yeah. Let’s do it.
Alright, hit me.
All right. What guys get, uh,
when they wake up, um,
and then what Noel wants to murder children in.
A little too vague.
Yeah, I mean,
she has a lot of methods. Okay,
be more specific. Think.
Think about what guys get when they wake up
and then what you use to make mulch.
A big machine that makes mulch.
Jesus Christ. Um.
It’s okay. Um.
Uh. Hard. Hard in the morning.
Good morning, wood.
Morning, wood chipper.
Yes, yes.
Let’s go. Nice.
Hi, dad.
Give. Give it to me.
Up top.
Up top.
High five
the Bam! Alright.