Perfectly Fun and Flawless: Embracing Favorite Books without Criticism

These are some of my favourite books
that I will accept literally no criticism on at all.
I am gonna preface by saying that on my corner of the internet here,
we read for vibes, we read for enjoyment,
we read for fun. Okay?
All of these books to me are perfect because the way they made me feel.
And if you disagree, that’s fine,
but you’re gonna be talking to a wall
cause I’m not gonna hear it.
Thank you very much. The first one is actually
probably the only one that isn’t fantasy here. Right?
I know. Okay.
You can probably tell by my shells already what
what this is gonna be. We have Magnolia Parks into the dark now.
I’ve heard people saying they don’t like how big this is.
It has to be this big. Are you kidding me?
I have never embarrassingly ugly, cried,
sobbed my eyes out so much as I did with this book.
Is it my favourite in the series?
Probably not, but it’s 5 stars.
It’s perfect, it’s beautiful,
it’s raw, it’s real.
We get so much growth and development in this.
If you don’t know, it’s the fifth book in the Magnolia Park series.
It’s the third Magnolia book.
And everything about this,
the ending to BJ and Magnolia story,
it’s just perfect. There’s no notes.
Flawless. Wouldn’t change a thing.
If you disagree, goodbye.
And the next one is one of my favourite book series ever
with my No. 1 favourite book
boyfriend we have A shadow in the Ember by Jennifer L. Armentrout.
Now I am definitely a flash and fire girly over a blood and ash girly,
but reading the two series in tandem was hands down
the best way to read both books.
A lot of people say that they didn’t like The War of Two Queens
from blood and ash book,
but I feel like that was my favourite blood and ash book
because the connections between that book and just like
this series overall. Perfect.
This, I think is some of her best work.
Her best characters, the best story.
Just everything about this is perfect.
It is so fun. The character dynamics,
the different types of characters we have the dragons.
I want more dragons, please.
Okay, now this one.
I maybe can understand some criticism,
but I’m not gonna hear it. Okay?
If you don’t like this book,
that is fine, but don’t talk to me about it. Okay?
Sparkle the ever flame. I loved this so much.
I honestly think book 2 is my favourite
out of all three that are out so far.
The only criticism that I will let people have their opinion on
is that DM girly went through a lot with her.
But other than that, no.
If you don’t have taste, just say that. Okay?
Not gonna hear any criticism or slander about this book.
This is so fun. It’s my favourite urban fantasy.
I love The dynamics between the characters in this.
I love the evolution of the found family that we get.
I love that our main female character is a stabby,
badass woman who isn’t a human that’s like, 18 years old.
She’s actually hundreds of years old
and a probably the most powerful person in this world.
Darker romances. I think you’re, like,
my favourite. Mm hmm.
And then, finally,
I have never had so much fun reading a book
as I had reading Lightlark and nightbain
back to back. I read both books in a day each.
It was the best weekend of my entire life.
Okay. I am absolutely sweating thinking about Sky Shade coming out.
I’m not ready. The more that Alex keeps posting about it,
the more nervous that I am getting.
I just think this takes all the best,
most fun parts of fantasy books and gives it in an angsty y,
upper Y A. Games and trials format.
Like, it’s just fun.
Okay. And they are the books that I will hear zero criticism on.
Thank you. Goodbye.